Detail of Frequency Band

Band 399.9 – 400.05 MHz

Part of RSUP RSUP-P/15
Service Mobile-Satellite
Category of assignment Primary
Non-civil utilisation Not used
Civil utilisation Primary
Notes 5.209, 5.220
Application MSS Earth stations
Additional information The use of the band by the Satellite-mobile Service is in accordance with 5.209 limited to non-geostationary satellite systems and is in accordance with 5.220 subject to coordination according to 9.11A.
Application GPR/WPR
Section 230 – 1,000 MHz
Harmonisations CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, CEPT/ECC/DEC/(06)08, 2019/1345
Authorisation VO-R/10 Art. 6
Additional information Ultra-wideband radars for screening of the structute of walls and earth´s surface (GPR/WPR). Maximum spectral density -65 dBm/MHz, max. peak e.r.p. is -44.5 dBm/120 kHz.